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Sunday, September 4, 2016

4 Paw Salute to First Dog Allowed in BC Courtroom!

Working Dog Highlight - Trauma Dog Caber!

Caber, a trauma dog, becane the first canine allowed in a British Columbia courtroom last May when he assisted a child sexual assault victim who had to testify at trial.
img  Working Dog Caber - Golden Labardor Retriever wearing blue service dog vest Delta BC Police Department photo
Working Dog Highlight - Caber First Dog in B.C. Courtroom

Sexial assault cases in Canada are notorious for causing victims even further trauma as they recount their assault in  order to convict their predator.
So how did Caber get permission to be in court?

Having a trauma dog available to assist vulnerable people in court is a great breakthrough for victims of crime.

How Caber Received Permission to Be in Court

Caber,a seven-year-old Labrador retriever, was permitted in the courtroom due to a successful application by Surrey Crown Counsel Winston Sayson.
 In a written statement, Sayson said the decision demonstrates the ability of the criminal justice system to "evolve and be innovating in accommodating children and vulnerable victims." He said the dog was clearly a help to the girl.
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The girl, whose name can't be released, was able to cuddle and play with Caber, a trauma dog with the Delta Police Department, during breaks in the trial.
 '"While testifying, the child bent down several times to pet Caber, which appeared to refocus and calm her," said the trauma K9's handler, Kim Gramlich.
 "At this trial, Caber provided the unique kind of support that helped the child witness give a full and candid account of what happened to her," Sayson said. Caber has been with the Delta Police Department since 2010, working at pre-trial interviews and assisting witnesses while preparing to testify.

Dogs in other Canadian Courtrooms

 The first dog allowed in a Canadian courtroom was Hawk, who assisted in a Calgary Alberta court in December 2014. Another K9, Wren, assisted in an Edmonton, Alberta court in March 2015.
With the  growing understanding of the importance of  trained trauma dogs to help victims, we hope to hear of trauma dogs becoming the norm in more courtrooms in the coming year.
Source: CBC :Trauma dog helps girl testify at B.C. child sex assault trial

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