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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Kawartha Dog Poll: Does Your Dog Have a Favourite Toy?

Kawartha Dog Blog Asks: What is Your Favourite Dog Toy? 

Kawartha Lakes dog owners are fortunate to have many beautiful trails to enjoy with their K9 friends and even off leash dog parks in some areas.
🐶 LOL - Dog Secrets - Dogs Just Wanna Have Fun [Video]
Play is an essential part of life for everyone, dogs included. Just like their owners, dogs develop preferences for different toys.
Does your dog have a favourite toy?
FTC Disclosure: This post may have affiliate links that will reward us when you purchase through them. This helps us keep kibble in our bowls.
Seeing this Dog Monkey toy today reminded me of a dog friend and her favourite toy. dog playing with toy monkey
3 Pack of Monkey Squeaker Chew Dog Toys - $9.99

from: Jammin Butter
Why do we think Sunny would have loved playing with a Dog Monkey?

Here is a fond memory of Sunny and her toy weasel.

Sunny Loved Playing Weasel

When Sunny came to visit us, she brought items to help her feel at home. One item she brought along was her favourite toy weasel.
Playing with Sunny and her weasel was pure delight. We'd toss it in the air and squeal "Weasel" and Sunny would jump, grab it in mid air, then toss one end towards us and play "Keep Away" for a bit, or let us catch the end and play a gentle "Tug and Shake" game.
Sometimes, Sunny would toss her "Weasel" into the air, then when it landed, stomp enthusiastically on its squeaker with one paw and tug on the opposite end.

Sunny slipped away sometime ago, yet the wonderful memories of playing with her are forever in our hearts.

Can you see why we think Sunny would have loved a Dog Monkey?
Does your dog have a favourite toy? 
We'd love to hear about it.

Thanks for reading this little trip down memory lane and a special thanks if you left a comment!
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