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Friday, June 24, 2016

#TYDTWDAY 2016 Businesses Welcoming Pets? Yes!

Kawartha Lakes Dog Owners Gain Perks from Office Pets!

Are you ready to take your dog to work June 24th?
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At Karen Pryor Clicker Training, their four-legged office friends include:

  •  Four hound mixes, 
  • Two Boston terriers, 
  • A Lab, and 
  • A Border collie! 
Even if your workplace doesn't usually have a dog-friendly policy, your canine companion might be welcome at work for a very worthy cause.
June 24th, is the 18th annual Take Your Dog to Work Day, when workplaces open their doors to welcome canine comanpanions in support of homeless pets.

The purpose of Take Your Dog to Work Day is reflected in the 2016 theme:
Make it your business to help dogs in need.
June 24th, businesses are encouraged to promote the value of dog ownership and in particular, adopting shelter pets.
Did you know taking your dog to work can actually be beneficial for business?

Yes, taking your dog to work can been a boon to your boss!

How Allowing Pets at Work Improves Business

With more big cutting edge businesses like Google, Etsy and Mashable incorporatibg pet-friendly policies. There must be some advantage to having pets in the workplace.
There is!
A study by the Virginia Commonwealth University showed that having dogs in a work place could decrease stress for not only dog owners but for co-workers as well.
Lower stress levels can lead to:

  • Increased productivity.
  • Decreased absenteeism.
  • Increased morale.
  • Lower levels of burn out.
However, before landing into work with your dog in tow, it's important to prepare your work place as well as your dog.

Take Your Dog to Work Day Preparations

Want to make your dog's office debut more productive?
Karen Pryor Clicker Training shares the following tips from the The American Kennel Club on their blog.
  • Survey the scene. Before bringing your dog to the office, take a look around and pet-proof your space. Secure all cabinets and trash cans that contain food. Remove anything smaller than a tennis ball or any items within your pet's reach that have sharp edges or could be a choking hazard. Cover any exposed electrical cords or outlets to prevent burns and electrocution from chewing.
  • Behavior. You should take only well-trained and housebroken dogs to work with you. Make sure your dog is socialized and safe around strangers. If your dog is unnerved by changes in environment or social situations, the attention and strange noises associated with an office could cause your dog undue stress.
  • Health. You would stay home from work if you were sick and so should your dog. If your pup has a contagious condition, it is best if he stays at home. It is also very important to make sure any pet visitor is up-to-date on all vaccinations.
  • Hygiene. Just as you care for your own hygiene before heading for work, make sure your dog is clean and well-groomed before you take him to the office. A dirty dog could cause co-workers to complain. Wow! Even after 10 days of brushing Xena, PC Watson got this much fur out of her! That's some thick winter coat a German Shepherd gets!
  • Bring the necessities. Make sure you bring with you all necessities for your dog, such as bowls, food, quiet chew toys, treats, clean-up bags, and a leash.
  • Supervise! Keep an eye on your dog at all times. Be mindful of those who might be afraid of your dog and people who are allergic to pets. At Karen Pryor Clicker Training, we find it helpful to have baby gates at the entrances of our office doors to keep dogs safely confined.
For more tips on preparing your dog to go to work using positive reinforcement visit Karen Pryor Clicker Training.
Innovative programs for aspiring and experienced trainers.
Is your place of work welcoming dogs ?
We’d love to see your office dogs! Snap a pic of your canine coworkers and post them to our Kawartha Dog Sitter Facebook Page
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